Schedules Reservations Closures Map of Park Map to Park Rental Rates Community Garden Parking Map Photos
Located at 125 Cambridge Road
(east off River Road)
Rotary Republic Park offers 70 acres of outdoor recreational facilities, it is perfect to hold any outdoor sporting event.
• 9 Ball Diamonds (one with lights) • 7 Fenced Diamonds • 1 Football/Rugby Field • 3 Full Soccer Pitches • 5 Soccer Regular Pitches • 8 Mini Soccer Pitches • 2 Beach Volleyball Courts • Batting Cage • Washroom Facilities
Rotary Republic of Manitobah Park Facebook Page – Like Us to Get the Latest News
Park Schedule:
For more information on Athletic Fields & Reservations call 204-857-7772 ext. 2237 or email
For inquiries about possible field cancellations (after 3:00 pm & weekends only) – Call or Text 204-872-1047
Field status will be updated Monday-Friday by 1:30 pm and will NOT BE UPDATED over the weekend.
B = Baseball Diamond & S = Soccer Field
B #1 B #2 B #3 B #4 B #5 B #6 B #7 B #8 B #9 B# Beaver Stadium
S #11 S #12 S #13 S #14 S #15 S #16 S #17 S #18 S #19 S #20 S #21 S #22 S #23 S #24 S #26
Football/Rugby #25 Beach Volleyball Court
Status Legend
Field Open means the field has been inspected by parks staff and is considered to be in a safe and playable condition.
*Should weather conditions deteriorate and the field becomes soggy or has evidence of standing water on the surface, the game/practice should be postponed or cancelled by the coach, club representative or referee. GREEN
User Discretion means the field has been inspected by Parks staff who consider the field to be safe and useable on the day of the inspection, however; they have some concerns that the weather conditions may change prior to game day/practice, and that games/practices played during inclement weather conditions may be detrimental to the field for the balance of the season.
This will provide the coaches with an opportunity to make a judgment call on the day of the game/practice to allow the games/practices to be played if the field condition is good and ensure that games/practices are not played if there is evidence of standing water on the field, frost, snow, or if there is heavy rain on the day of the game/practice. BLUE
Field Closed means the field has been inspected and Parks staff have determined that there may be safety issues or damage could result if games/practices are played or have closed the field due to extreme weather conditions, excessive wear, repairs, to provide a rest period for the field, or until they have suitable weather conditions to carry out the required repairs on the field.
*Field is considered “unplayable” and all games/practices are cancelled. Increased probability of unsafe risk to participants and damage to the surface. RED
In the event of inclement weather, leagues/coaches are responsible for ensuring the safety of their participants, assessing field conditions and stopping play if damage to the fields may occur.
Map of Rotary Republic of Manitobah Park – PDF
Map to Rotary Republic of Manitobah Park (Google Map) – LINK
Rental Rates:
Baseball Diamond Rental Rates
(3 Hour Game/Practice)
Youth Group:
Game – Lined & Bases: $74.00
Doubleheader Game – Lined & Bases: $96.00 (5 hour game)
Practice: Bases only/use: $39.00
Tournament Rate – Lined & Bases: $133.00 per field/day 8 hours
Adult Group:
League Game – Lined & Bases: $106.00
League Doubleheader Game – Lined & Bases: $128.00 (5 hour game)
Rec Game – Bases only: $72.00
Rec Double Game – Bases only: $106.00 (5 hour game)
Tournament Rate – Lined & Bases: $175.00 per field/day 8 hours
Senior Group:
Game w/Lined & Bases: $74.00
Doubleheader Game – Lined & Bases: $96.00 (5 hour game)
Practice: bases only/use: $39.00
Tournament Rate – Lined & Bases: $133.00 per field/day 8 hours
Baseball Youth Visitors:
Game – Lined & Bases: $90.00
Doubleheader Game – Lined & Bases: $103.00 (5 hour game)
Practice/use: $56.00
Soccer Field Rental Rates
(2 Hour Game/Practice)
Youth Group:
Per field/per use: $39.00
Tournament Rate: $111.00 per field/day 8 hours
Youth Group Mini A or B: Per field/per use: $19.50
Youth Group Mini A or B Tournament Rate: $55.50
Adult Group Game:
Rec Group per field only/per use: $58.00
League Game-per field/per use – Lined & Corner flags: $79.00
Tournament Rate: $165.00 per field – Lined & Corner flags/day 8 hours
Soccer Visitors:
Visitor Youth Group:
Practice per field only/per use: $58.00
Game per field/per use – Lined & Corner flags: $79.00
Tournament Rate: $116 per field – Lined & corner flags/day 8 hours
Visitor Adult Group:
Practice per field only/per use: $69.00
Game per field – Lined & corner flags/per use: $90.00
Tournament Rate: $170.00 per field – Lined & Corner Flags /day 8 hours
Football / Rugby Field Rental Rates
(3 Hour Game/Practice)
Youth Group:
Field only/Per field/up to 3 hours Practice (lines additional): $39.00
Field only/Per Day 8 hours (lines additional): $111.00
Adult Group:
Field only/Per field /up to 3 hours Practice (lines additional): $58.00
Field only/Per Field/up to 3 hours Game (lines additional): $79.00
Football/Rugby Visitors:
Visitor Youth Group:
Field only/Per field /up to 3 hours Practice (lines additional): $58.00
Field only/Per Field/ up to 3 hours Game (lines additional): $79.00
Per Field only /Per Day 8 hours (lines additional): $116.00
Visitor Adult Group:
Field only/Per field /up to 3 hours Practice (lines additional): $69.00
Field only/Per Field/ up to 3 hours Game (lines additional): $90.00
Per Field only /Per Day 8 hours (lines additional): $170.00
Beach Volleyball Court
All Users: Free
Batting Cages
All Users: Free
Additional Services
Baseball Per additional application – Chalk $34.00
Football Per application – Line Painting $175.00
Rugby Per application – Line Painting $159.00
Lights – Diamond #9 Per Use $37.00
Portable Fencing Per Diamond/Per Setup $79.00
In-field Raking Per Rake/Per Diamond $26.50
Field Watering Per Watering $15.00
Maintenance Staff Per Hour $26.50
Vehicle Access Permit Per Use Free
Community Garden Spots:
Every late spring until late fall the PRRA is offering community garden spots at Rotary Republic Park.
If you are interested in a garden spot please email us at to be added to the list.