Recreational Grant Links

Kidsport Manitoba
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Chance 2 Grow
Chance 2 Camp

FCC Agri Spirit Fund
Urban/Hometown Green Team

Canada Summer Jobs

Hometown Manitoba

Small Capital Sponsorship Program

RBC Learn to Play Project
Community Places Program (CPP)
Manitoba Community Services Council (MCSC)
Enabling Accessibility
Arts Development Project Support (ADPS)
School and Community Arts Program – After School Arts Enrichment Program
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Community Museum Grants Program
Fisheries Enhancement Fund (FEF)
New Horizons for Seniors Program
Heritage Grants Program
Communities in Bloom
Sport Manitoba
Funding for Recreation In Your Community
Tire Stewardship
Mountain Equipment Co-op
Richardson Foundation
Manitoba Hydro Power Smart

FCC Agri Spirit Fund 

Web Link:

Successful projects have included hospitals and medical centres, childcare facilities, fire and rescue equipment, playgrounds, food banks, libraries, recreation centres and community gardens.

Who’s Eligible:

  • registered charities with Canada Revenue Agency
  • non-profit organizations that will partner with a municipal body, territorial or provincial government who agree to receive the money contributed and issue a receipt in your namea municipal body
  • a municipal body can include a town, city under 150,000 people, a rural municipality or a First Nations band


Urban/Hometown Green Team

Web Link:

Green Team creates summer employment opportunities for youth aged 15 to 29 years. Participating employers provide a variety of community development projects that improve neighbourhoods, promote community involvement and help develop young leaders.  The employment period is between May 1 and August 31.

Who’s Eligible:

  • Non-profit organizations in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba.
  • Universities, colleges, school divisions, schools and hospitals in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba.
  • Municipal governments in rural Manitoba.

Canada Summer Jobs

Web Link:

Canada Summer Jobs provides funding to help employers create summer job opportunities for students. It is designed to focus on local priorities, while helping both students and their communities.

Canada Summer Jobs:

  • provides work experiences for students
  • supports organizations, including those that provide important community services; and
  • recognizes that local circumstances, community needs and priorities vary widely

Canada Summer Jobs provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create summer job opportunities for young people aged 15 to 30 years who are full-time students intending to return to their studies in the next school year.

Who’s Eligible:
Not-for-profit employers and public and private sector employers may apply for wage subsidies. Private sector employers must have 50 or fewer full-time employees across Canada to be eligible. Full-time employees are those working 30 hours or more per week

Hometown Manitoba

Web Link:

This program provides financial support for rural and northern community projects initiated by local communities, organizations, co-operatives and businesses that enhance main street public places and building exteriors. The program also aims to promote unique identities and themes that define a community. Program objectives include:

  1. Enhance the appearance/greening and use of community gathering places and exterior structure upgrading in main street areas.
  2. Support the creation of outdoor spaces that are attractive to local and regional citizens and tourists.
  3. Support projects that advance community identities and themes.
  4. Encourage community use and increased investment in main street areas.
  5. Promote the use of local products, services and talents.
  6. Support community-driven projects that build community pride and citizen involvement

Who’s Eligible:
Hometown Meeting Places

  • non-profit community organization, municipality, northern community council or co-operative
    Hometown Main Streets Enhancements
  • non-profit community organization, small business or co-operative
    Hometown Tree Planting
  • non-profit community organization, municipality, northern community council or co-operative
    Projects in all categories may involve local artists in public art projects such as building murals, permanent banners and sculptures, provided they are part of a broader project that supports a community identity, cultural, heritage or tourism theme

Small Capital Sponsorship Program

Web Link:

The Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Small Capital Sponsorship Program is designed to provide support to charitable and non-profit organizations in Manitoba for small capital projects that focus on benefiting the community at large through one or more of the following initiatives:

  • projects aimed at economic or sustainable growth;
  • support for a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, nutrition and wellness;
  • increased access for the community to participate in arts, culture and heritage
  • activities that support youth; and
  • activities that focus on the well-being of animals, including pets.

Who’s Eligible:
The program is open to organizations and projects that meet the following criteria:

  • must be a registered charitable or registered non-profit organization;
  • maximize developmental/learning and community involvement opportunities;
  • be based in Manitoba or have a Manitoba Division;
  • be able to demonstrate sound financial practices;
  • provide an obvious benefit to the community;
  • provide recognition to Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries for support; and
  • be broad based and generally accessible

RBC Learn to Play Project

Web Link:

The RBC Learn to Play Project will provide grants to local organizations and communities in support of building the physical literacy of Canada’s kids and youth. In 2015, RBC, ParticipACTION and the Public Health Agency of Canada will award $1,750,000 in grants to support two types of programs:

RBC Learn to Play Community Grants and RBC Learn to Skate Program ($1,000 to $10,000) will be awarded to local organizations that teach new skills or sports to kids, and/or expose them to a multiple sports or multiple skills such as swimming or skating lessons. Programs eligible for funding include those that:

  • Provide instruction/learning of a new skill or sport that the child/youth would otherwise not have an opportunity to experience; and/or
  • Emphasize and expose children/youth to a multi-sport or multi-skill participation experience; and/or
  • Implement a new approach/delivery to sport and physical activity through the creation of programs recommended by Canadian Sport for Life

Who’s Eligible:
Organizations that are registered charities in their jurisdictions
Projects or programs that take place in communities where RBC has a business presence
Charitable organizations that provide direct community service
Websites and other communication vehicles that deliver a specific service-related program
Programs with measurable social outcomes

Community Places Program (CPP)

Web Link:

The Community Places Program provides funding and planning assistance to non-profit community organizations for facility construction, upgrading, expansion or acquisition projects. Eligible projects are those which provide sustainable recreation and wellness benefits to communities.

Who’s Eligible:
Non-profit community organizations throughout Manitoba are eligible to apply to CPP.  Ineligible organizations include public schools, universities, hospitals, nursing homes, businesses, commercial co‑operatives and federal, provincial and City of Winnipeg departments and agencies.*  Ineligible projects include those primarily involving housing, space for worship or congregational purposes, cemeteries, signage, portable tools, equipment, furniture, municipal works such as roads, bridges, municipal service buildings, and sewer and water installations.*  Operating costs and building maintenance costs are not eligible.


Web Link:

Allocates funds and/or bingo events to non profit, volunteer community service, social service, recreation, and health-related organizations in Manitoba. MCSC will consider requests for:

  • Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Operating Costs
  • Program Costs
  • Vehicles
  • Special Projects
  • Emergency Capital Only (contact for more information)

Who’s Eligible:

  • The organization applying must be a non-profit body which seeks funds for a purpose deemed by the Council to be a community service within the Province of Manitoba and serving more of the community than the self-interest of the Board of Directors of the organization;
  • Its management must be directed by a duly constituted board of volunteers which assumes accountability to the community and meets at least four times a year (the board shall serve without remuneration);
  • The organization must be in existence for at least one year and its latest financial statements must be provided.

Enabling Accessibility

Web Link:

The Enabling Accessibility Fund is a federal Grants and Contributions program that supports capital costs of construction and renovations related to improving physical accessibility and safety for people with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces.

Who’s Eligible:

Eligible recipients under the Enabling Accessibility Fund include:

  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • For profit organizations;
  • Municipalities;
  • Aboriginal organizations (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities); and,
  • Territorial governments.

The Community Accessibility Stream of the Enabling Accessibility Fund is designed to provide funding to eligible recipients for projects that improve accessibility in communities across Canada. Projects may include:

  • renovating, retrofitting or constructing community facilities where programs and/or services are offered to people with disabilities;
  • retrofitting motor vehicles used as community-based transportation; and,
  • providing information and communications technologies to make them more accessible for the community.

To be considered eligible for funding, projects must be directly related to removing barriers and increasing accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadian communities. All projects must also meet the specific eligibility criteria identified in the calls for proposals, including support from the community.

Arts Development Project Support (ADPS)

Web Link:

The Arts Development Project Support (ADPS) program provides non-profit community‑based organizations in Manitoba with project grants up to a maximum of $5,000.00 based on eligible project costs and geographic location.  ADPS provides funding support to encourage projects which offer Manitobans opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in the arts or to experience the work of Manitoba artists and artworks.

These initiatives may be in any discipline including but not limited to: Performances, Exhibitions, Concerts, Readings, Showcases, Juried art shows, Adjudications, Classes, or Workshops.

School & Community Arts Program – After School Arts Enrichment Program

Web Link:

The After School Arts Enrichment program funds new and existing arts programming designed for students who do not normally have access to arts programs in their community. This competitive grant program (applicants are evaluated against all eligible applications) supports new or existing after-school arts instruction and activities.

For the purposes of this program, “”after school”” refers to any instruction or activities

Who’s Eligible:
Occurring during weekday evenings, weekends, in-services or holidays. Projects that operate during school hours are not eligible for this program and should be directed to the Arts Education Access Program.

To be eligible for this program, you must be:

  • a non-profit organization, community group, local government, school or school division, or
  • a private individual with the written endorsement of any eligible group or organization
  • able to demonstrate a history of involvement in arts-related events, education or programs

For a project to be eligible, it must:

  • enhance existing arts education programs or provide new arts education initiatives to school-aged children who do not normally have access to arts programming

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund

Web Link:

The CCSF seeks to improve physical conditions for artistic creativity and innovation. It is also designed to increase access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage displays. The Fund supports the improvement, renovation and construction of arts and heritage facilities, and the acquisition of specialized equipment as well as conducting feasibility studies.

Who’s Eligible:
Non-profit arts and heritage organizations incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act or under corresponding provincial or territorial legislation. Provincial/territorial governments, municipal or regional governments, and their agencies, as well as First Nations and Inuit equivalent governments, are also eligible. Federal organizations and federal Crown corporations are not eligible for funding.

Community Museum Grants Program


To provide support for facilities that serve to protect and interpret Manitoba’s heritage resources.

  •  To improve the quality of museum collections and programs throughout Manitoba.
  • To encourage and support a balanced interpretation of Manitoba’s heritage.
  • To strengthen community identity and contribute to a sense of place and belonging in Manitobans throughout the province.
  • To facilitate the effective use of available resources through co-operation between Manitoba’s museums and related institutions and organizations.

Who’s Eligible:
To be eligible for a Community Museum Grant, an institution must:

  • have a clearly defined Statement of Purpose
  • have been open to the public the previous year for a minimum number of days and a specified number of hours;
  • have a governing authority (board, council, committee) solely responsible for its management and with clear reporting lines to the public
  • be a non-profit corporation or be a public institution operated by a municipality, historical society, library, university or Indian Band
  • hold clear ownership of a majority of items in its collection

Fisheries Enhancement Fund (FEF)

Web Link:

Promote and fund projects that enhance and conserve Manitoba’s recreational fisheries resource. The FEF will create an increase in aquatic ecosystem and fisheries knowledge for improving management, stewardship, enhancement and conservation of Manitoba’s fisheries.

Who’s Eligible:
Government agencies academia (universities, schools, research institutes, etc.) conservation and environmental organizations conservation districts fish and game associations community groups and associations service clubs

New Horizons for Seniors Program

Web Link:

Projects must address one or more of the program’s five objectives:

  1. promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations;
  2. engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others;
  3. expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;
  4. supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors; and
  5. providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

Who’s Eligible:

  • not-for-profit organizations (e.g., churches or church associations, charities, activity clubs, volunteer organizations, professional associations, museums, or in some cases sports associations);
  • coalitions, networks;
  • municipal governments;
  • research organizations and institutes;
  • educational institutions (e.g., universities, colleges, CÉGEPs), public health institutions and social service institutions are eligible with the agreement of the provincial or territorial government. For the 2014-15 call, these institutions in Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Quebec and Saskatchewan were eligible to apply;
  • band/tribal councils and other Aboriginal organizations;
  • for-profit enterprises*; and
  • school boards/school districts.

Heritage Grants Program

Web Link:

The Heritage Grants Program has been developed to assist Manitobans in identifying, protecting and interpreting the province’s human and natural heritage.

Who’s Eligible:
Application for funding under this program is open to any not-for-profit, incorporated community organization, Local Government, university or First Nation seeking to identify, protect or interpret Manitoba’s human and natural heritage. The organization must have been in existence for at least one year.

Individuals or unincorporated groups may apply under the endorsement of an eligible organization. The organization endorsing the applicant must provide a letter of support for the project. The results of the project must be publicly accessible on a non-for-profit basis.

Communities in Bloom

Web Link:

Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and the challenge of a national program, with focus on enhancing green spaces in communities.

Sport Manitoba

Web Link:

Provides one-time grants of up to $5,000.00 to community organizations to increase their ability to provide quality sport and recreation programming and for the purchase of equipment and supplies for community-based sport and recreation programs.

Funding for Recreation In Your Community

Web Link:

There are many avenues for funding for recreation in your community.  Funding is available for a wide range of activities from providing qualified recreation leadership, building or improving facilities to putting plans in place for community projects and programs.

Sport & Recreation Opportunities Fund
Provincial Recreation Organizations
The Province provides recreation operating grants to provincial organizations who offer diverse types of programs and services that support Manitoba’s recreation delivery system.  These include:

  • Recreation Connections Manitoba
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg
  • General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres
  • Manitoba Camping Association Sunshine Fund
  • Manitoba Camping Association
  • Sun Fund for Kids
  • Frontier Games
  • Canadian Red Cross, Manitoba Division

Provincial Government Funding Opportunities
A number of government programs provide funding opportunities for recreation.  These include:

  •  Community Youth Recreation
  •  Recreation Opportunities Program – Partners in Leisure (ROP)
  •  Neighbourhoods Alive
  •  Aboriginal and Northern Affairs
  •  Community Places
  •  Lighthouses
  •  Culture/Arts
  •  Heritage
  •  Home Town Green Teams

Tire Stewardship

Web Link:

The Tire Stewardship Manitoba (TSM) Community Demonstration Grant Program provides funding for the use of recycled tire products made from Manitoba tires in projects delivered by local governments, community and youth groups, Aboriginal organizations, and First Nation communities. Onetime matching grants up to $20,000 are provided to communities and non-profit
organizations to use and benefit from a wide range of recycled tire products.

Mountain Equipment Coop

Web Link:

Conserving Places:
We commit to: Conserving the ecologically and recreationally important places where we adventure and that sustain us
We envision:

  • There are always places to play, inspire, and sustain us
  • The ecological integrity of Canada’s places is the best in the world
  • Every community has high-quality places for outdoor activity
  • Canada’s outdoor places are celebrated

Enabling People:
We commit to: Inspiring and enabling Canadians to experience nature and lead active outdoor lives

We envision:

  • Everyone has enjoyable outdoor experiences
  • People have the skills and community to be active outdoors
  • Outdoor culture is strong and vibrant, with leaders that inspire
  • Canada’s outdoor culture is celebrated

We achieve these goals through grants and product donations, our national and regional partnerships, and outreach and advocacy programs.

Richardson Foundation

Web Link:

Manitoba Hydro Power Smart

Web Link:

With Power Smart Shops we help small, independent businesses reduce their energy and water consumption to save money and energy. If you own a restaurant, grocery store, retail store, convenience or service shop, small office or other small business

  • lower energy bills and increased savings;
  • lower operating and maintenance costs;
  • less energy use, which helps conserve non-renewable resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • reduced maintenance and labour costs;
  • improved comfort.

Who’s Eligible:
In order to qualify for the Power Smart Shops program, your small business must meet the following criteria:
your business has 6 locations or fewer within Manitoba;

  • each location occupies no more than 10,000 square feet;
  • your business is not a national franchise;
  • you pay for at least one utility (gas or electricity) either directly to Manitoba Hydro or through a property manager;
  • on average, your electricity or gas bill is less than $20,000/year.